FIVE | Ruins, mystery, and age-old innovation. I’m a big believer in seeing both the real, ordinary life in a place and the historical, well-known stuff. Although the latter is mainstream and more tourist than traveler, I think these places are an important part of a region and culture. They’re the pride of the people and their heritage. They shaped their culture and are woven into their textiles. While we were in Peru, we took some time to explore the ruins of Moray, Ollantaytambo, and Machu Picchu. These huge places, perched high up in breath-taking places, used to be bustling, important towns and agriculture sites for the Incans. And, yet, we know so very little about them. As I wander around the sites I kept thinking how strange and extraordinary it is to step on the same stairs, run by hands down the same walls, and look out to the same view as other women thousands of years ago. The world is so different now, but still – standing there – a little bit the same too.